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My Hands Are Cold

“Papa, my hands are cold when I have to walk to school,” complained his darling little girl.            

Izzy looked at her thoughtfully and asked, “Do you wear your mittens?”            

“Yes,” she nodded.

“Do you keep your hands in your pockets?” Izzy inquired gently.

Again she responded yes.

“In the morning I will have an answer for you. Do not worry darling. Papa will find an answer for you.”
In the morning when Vivian was dressed and ready to leave for school, he pulled the mittens over her hands. The he put a hardboiled egg in each hand. “These will keep your hands warm, When you get to school eat one. It will warm your stomach too. Save the other for recess.”
Vivian threw her arms around her Papa’s neck and hugged him tightly. Papa was so wonderful. He could make everything right.

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Bubbe Flo
Part of From the Old World to the New
along with: From the Old World to the New    |  Life in Koshovato   |  Zeide Shlomo and the Goat   |  The Boys of Koshovato   |  Sonya Goes to School   |  The Picture Bride   |  No Gambling Here   |  Choosing a Rabbi   |  Welcome to America   |  The Business Trip   |  The Reluctant Soldiers   |  The Rabbi is Not In   |  Pogroms   |  An Engagement Agreement   |  Zionism   |  The Border Crossings   |  Sonya Travels to America   |  A Meeting in Pittsburgh   |  My Hands Are Cold   |  The Passover Dishes   |  Coming to America   |  Rose Moves to New York and Meets her Beshert   |  The Visit   |  I Want Turkey   |  Abi Gezunt (As Long As You Are Healthy)   |  Aunt Lybba Comes to Visit   |  Visits to Stroudsburg   |  Passover Memories   |  Appendix   |  A little History ... A little Geography