The Brisket Epiphany Celebrate the Brisket Equinox! The Brisket Equinox falls exactly halfway between the first night of Rosh Hashanah and the first night of Passover. This year the Brisket Equinox falls on January 6, 2025.
This is the festive holiday that celebrates the midpoint between the brisket served at Passover Seder and the brisket served at Rosh Hashanah. It coincides with the Feast of the Epiphany making it The Brisket Epiphany, which occurs only once every 482 years. We celebrate by singing: (to the tune of We Three Kings) Thank you. Thank you very much. I'll be here all week. Try the veal. Don't forget to tip your waitress At this time, let us retell the story of the Three Wisemans of Eastern Parkway - Rabbi Gold, Rabbi Frank, and a guy named Murr (Moshe) who brought gifts of horseradish, mustard and BBQ sauce o the festive meal.
These three things
On brisket geschmacht (yes they are).
Barbeque Sauce, Horseradish, and Mustard in jars.
Pickles, Knishes, Egg Creams, Hershey Kisses,
Delicate Essen,
A Mechiah!
Oh, Beef of Wonder
Beef of Light
Beef of royal beauty bright
Equinox leading,
Still proceeding
Guide us to thy perfect delight.